Become a Supporter of DFLab
At DFLab, we believe in the power of collective action to drive change in the world. Our Supporter Program is an opportunity for everyone, who are passionate about data privacy, to join forces with us. As a supporter, you become an integral part of a community committed to shaping a future where data privacy is a universally recognised human right.
Your Participation Matters
As a our supporter, your involvement does more than support our cause.
- Attend, vote, and discuss directions at our Annual General Meeting.
- Join a community committed to data privacy and autonomy.
- Contribute to a global movement dedicated to protecting individual data privacy rights.
- Reduced rates on our services, products, and partnered offerings.
- Supporter-only workshops, webinars, and conferences that focus on data privacy and autonomy.
- Be first to know about our latest research findings and technological innovations.
- Early access to new technologies and tools developed by us.
Annual supporter membership fee: $50 AUD
Support Us!
Please email us to pledge your support at: [email protected].
Privacy Notice: Your personal information, including your email address, supporting status, and retention period details, is encrypted both in transit and at rest and is anonymised and tokenised by removing all identifying details (email). This data is securely stored on our physically isolated, on-site server for a limited period of 28 days. Subject to your rights under applicable data protection law (e.g., GDPR), you may access, amend, or request the deletion of your personal data at any time by contacting us. Before the end of the retention period, we will contact you via email to offer the option to renew, update, or confirm your details in our system. If no action is taken, your data will be automatically deleted after the retention period expires.
*anonymisation involves removing personally identifiable information so that the data cannot be linked back to a specific individual.
*tokenisation involves replacing sensitive data with non-sensitive equivalents.